4th International Conference on Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering
Rome, Italy

Sarmad Frogh Arshad
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture , Pakistan
Title: Dissection of QTLs related to biomass traits on sorghum chromosomes 6 and 9 using association mapping
Biography: Sarmad Frogh Arshad
Association mapping analysis was performed on a set of 94 diverse sorghum genotypes to dissect the genetic background of biomass related traits. These genotypes were characterized with 23 and 19 SSR loci on chromosomes 6 and 9 respectively. 14 biomass related traits were evaluated under normal field conditions. Structure analysis yielded four admixture subpopulations with the help of 20 unlinked markers. The pairwise syntenic r2 ranged from 0.0000 to 0.502 on chromosome 6 and 0.0000 to 0.2305 for chromosome 9. LD extent was 10 Mb and 50 Kb for chromosome 6 and 9, respectively, with the critical value of 0.02. A total of seven markers trait associations were detected through mixed linear model approach and phenotypic variability ranged from 9.13 to 13.9% for chromosome 6 and 6.25 to 23.05% for chromosome 9. The marker Xgap07 was associated with days to 50% flowering and plant height on chromosome 6. While the markers SB3789 and xtxp265 exhibited association with leaf length and plant height, respectively on chromosome 6 for the two growing seasons. The SSR primer xtxp283 showed association with two different traits plant height and days to 50% flowering and SB5040 was found to be associated with leaf length on chromosome 9. The present study provided novel quantitative trait loci for biomass-related traits which can be utilized for marker assisted breeding for better biomass production in sorghum.