Biography: John B Carrigan
SOSV’s Cork-based global bioaccelerator initiative, which is dedicated to funding and building startups for the purpose of aiding humanity. Having founded the worlds first life sciences accelerator in Cork in 2014. SOSV now operates two accelerator programs, IndieBio based in San Francisco and RebelBio again based in Cork. These accelerators are responsible or establishing many synthetic biology startups around the world including Perfect Day Foods, Memphis Meats, Microsynbiotix and the German based Saphium Biotech. We provide the mechanism by which young scientists, entrepreneurs and tinkerers can shape their own destiny and make something that matters. RebelBio provides seed funding and mentorship to drive the transition of science to a business in only four months, before launching its graduate companies into the world of biotechnology to make their fortune, buffered by the company’s many alumni, partners and partner investors.
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